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Winter Wonderland: Brisbane’s Property Market Set to Thaw with Place’s Hot Auction Campaign

Friday June 21, 2024 ● By Jenna Fearnley // Place HQ

As winter sets in, Place Estate Agents is heating up the Brisbane property market with its highly anticipated winter auction campaign, "One Winter Day".


Scheduled to take place from July 26 to July 28, the campaign aims to capitalise on the cooler season to drive competitive bidding and help match buyers to their dream homes.

“Winter traditionally sees a quieter real estate market in Brisbane, making it an opportune time for sellers to stand out with less competition,” Place’s Managing Director and Auctioneer, Paul Curtain, said.

He highlighted the unique dynamics of the Brisbane market during winter, stating, "Despite perceptions, winter is a fantastic time to sell property in Brisbane. With fewer listings available, it can lead to increased competition and stronger sale prices."

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Paul Curtain and Peter Burgin launching One Winter Day.


Peter Burgin, Place's Chief Auctioneer, echoed Mr Curtain's sentiments: "Our auctions during winter often see heightened buyer activity. The combination of Brisbane’s hot market and cold weather creates the perfect storm for achieving exceptional results at auction,” he said.

With a focus on quality listings and expert auctioneering, Place aims to set new benchmarks for winter property sales across the region. 

"We encourage homeowners thinking of selling to seize this opportunity," Peter said.

"Our team is dedicated to navigating sellers through the process, ensuring they achieve maximum value for their properties."

Place invites its agents, and prospective sellers and buyers alike to participate in the "One Winter Day" auction event, where they can experience firsthand the excitement and success that winter selling can bring.

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