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Mark Your Calendars for July 25: The Fundraising Event Supporting QLD Women Experiencing Homelessness

Monday June 3, 2024 ● By Rachel Sanft // Place Estate Agents

The Sunshine State is undoubtedly a fantastic place to live, but for more than 40,000 Queensland homeless women over the age of 55 it’s also challenging. With this figure estimated to double in 2036, The Place One Group has teamed up with the incredible Forgotten Women Project to host an unmissable event and make a difference.


Aiming to transform lives and to assist those sleeping rough, The Forgotten Women ‘Black Tie in July’ Gala (Thursday, July 25) promises to be an unforgettable evening of elegance and philanthropy. Attendees are invited to Victoria Park’s Marquee space to enjoy an exquisite menu, curated wines, unique auction items, exciting raffle prizes and captivating entertainment, all for an important and timely cause. We’re told there might be a few surprises, too!

Adding to it all will be the opportunity to deep-dive in into the amazing work done by The Forgotten Women Project, which includes securing safe and affordable housing for those in need. All contributions are welcomed and have the power to drive real change.

One Group Events Coordinator Louisa Curtain says the event highlights what is an increasingly growing issue. “Women over 55 are the fastest growing homeless population in Brisbane,” says Curtain. “This statistic is growing and it doesn’t discriminate – it could be your mother, sister, co-worker or friend.”

Partnering with The Forgotten Women Project, The Place One Group are excited to be involved. “We have set the goal to raise over one-million dollars over the next five years for this very special charity,” explains Curtain. “The inaugural gala is the first big step to fulfil this target and we hope this can help to change lives and lower this statistic.”

Interested in attending? To support this cause, purchase your tickets to Forgotten Women Project’s ‘Black Tie in July’ here or visit the organisation’s site here to donate.

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