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How to boost your confidence at work

Friday June 3, 2022 ● By Grace Holgate // Place Estate Agents

How to boost your confidence at work

No matter where you are in your career journey, we all have spouts of self-doubt and can struggle with a lack of confidence from time to time.


Whether you're getting ready for a big presentation, a meeting with your boss, or you're just having an off day, it's important to recognise when you're lacking confidence so that you can develop strategies to overcome a negative mindset. 

We recently spoke with Team Manager for Aaron Woolard's team, Laura Evans about all things confidence and how to 'own your lane'.


What does a day in the life look like in your role?

As I am sure most can resonate with, each day is different, but my goal remains the same. My goal is to come to work ready for what the day will bring and be prepared to tackle and complete as many tasks as I can to the best of my ability.

In terms of what my day-to-day tasks look like, I manage everything from preparing form 6’s, and contract offers to updating our team's database, and social media, preparing information for our bookkeeper and keeping the team accountable for their KPIs…If it’s admin, I do it! 



Tell us about your career journey at Place

I officially began my career at Place in September 2013 when I was 14, working casually in the Finance Department. Since then, I've worked in the Idealist team in the Finance Department and then as a Rentals Receptionist at Place Bulimba. I then moved into a Lease Renewals role and then into a Sales Administration role at Place Bulimba.  

In November 2020, I decided to step outside of my comfort zone and leave Place for another Real Estate agency. As the saying goes, it isn’t always greener on the other side and I was back at Place Bulimba by March 2021 as the Bulimba Hub Leader. Although I loved being back with my Bulimba family, an amazing opportunity became available that I couldn’t turn down, which was to join Team Woolard as the Team Manager and I am still here today!


What does confidence in your role look like to you and how have you gained it over the years?

I have built up my confidence over time by working in various roles and learning to navigate different personalities along the way. Something I have greatly improved on over the years is learning to take feedback as constructive and not as criticism. Ultimately, you can’t improve without feedback.

I also think that it is important that when you are speaking to an agent or any colleague for that matter, to speak to them with self-assurance and to back yourself. Actively seek out the correct information before responding as this builds trust in your relationship and reduces a lot of back and forth.

Owning your mistakes is also a big one. Of course, we’re all human and make mistakes on occasion, but be honest with your team or superior and present them with solutions so that you can rectify the issue at hand. Always hold yourself accountable for your actions and your role and remember, we’re all learning!

Lastly, I believe confidence in my role is being able to make decisions and to trust and believe in my judgment. For example, I have to prepare marketing materials such as signboards and brochures before a property goes live, and I no longer run these by my team before ordering, I take action and prepare everything needed before launching so that my agents can focus on what they do best. It is about owning my “lane”, trusting my ability, and completing tasks promptly.



For someone struggling with confidence in their role, what advice would you give them?

The advice I would pass on to someone who is struggling with confidence in their role is that you are not alone, and there is support and training available to you.

I believe the best place to start is to understand each process that is involved in your role. Then, understand the systems that you use and how you can make the most out of that system – watching tutorial videos and attending training sessions is a must!

When you are confronted with a question or challenge and you're unsure of the answer, don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and reach out to someone who would be able to guide you through the process. Speaking to someone over the phone can be a lot more efficient than an email and can help you build a better relationship with that person. 

Just remember that no question is silly, if you feel the need to ask a question, it is a learning experience and be sure to take notes so that you can refer to them in the future.

Our top takeaways for confidence at work?

  • Take feedback as constructive and not as criticism - you can't improve without feedback!
  • Back your decisions and trust your judgement 
  • Own your mistakes and have a game plan to move forward so that you can rectify the issue at hand
  • Own your "lane" and believe in your ability 
  • You are always learning, but it's essential to be active in your own learning, watch tutorials and attend seminars and training 
  • You are never alone 

We have all had to start somewhere in our careers, every day you will learn something new, and with time and experience, confidence will come. Don’t give up!

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